Well...it's been a while. I know I said I would be
better about posts...I really don't have an excuse...please don't break up with me. I heart you. With an arrow through it. Shot by cupid...who has a
boner. Yesssssssssss.

I have recently picked up an item to aid in my blogging efforts...the
Lenovo IBM Thinkpad. Best evs. I mean...blogging while watching
The Hills = Bliss. Throw in the wireless router and you might never get me off of this beautiful mocha couch. Good thing I didn't opt for the clear plastic cover. Or maybe I should have......(wireless laptop....laying down on couch....bored...surfing internet....risque sites....mmmmmmmmmmm). Just don't ask me why I keep a
towel under my sofa.

Speaking of
The Hills...I'm not quite as addicted as I was to
Laguna...but it still rings in as my number 1 spot for reality tv.
Things I miss from Laguna:
-Steeeepppphhhheeeeen and Kristin...their ever-so-twisted love triangle, and her tees.
-I miss Jessica's bounteous
-I miss hot Alex (blonde)
-I miss Lo
-I miss Laguna High. (tear)
Things I don't miss:
Jason...I mean...really....
LC...drop that sack of sticky douche and find someone else. That dude's beard is starting to make me itch. What a pussy. I think I heard they're still together.
-The girl who was supposedly in beauty pagents...I think her name was
Casey? Nice prom dress
beautiful slut rag.
-Fat Alex.
They've basically replaced all of the
hot girls with annoying, immature trustfund babies (
Heidi), and countless
chaches all recently moved to LA trying to "
make it as an actor". Good luck...I hope you have a back-up plan.
1-800- BARTEND perhaps?
So I think I'm finally starting to recover from the
Mavericks-Post-Gag-Playoff run. We've lost
Marquis Daniels...which means I won't be getting
second hand stoned from my 3rd deck seats anymore.

KVH might be on his way out...not sure how I feel about it. I was a fan during the season...until he got hurt and started jacking up fruitless 3's without reservation. Shades of
Antwoine Walker...and that shimmy. Brings back nightmares. Is just me or does he look like a scrawney George Forman with 13 year old girl saggy tits? Get a
training bra under that jersey. Seriously. Hopefully
Avery can whip them into shape and get them to "paaaassss the baaaawwwlll" more fluidly. (in my best Avery voice). And get
Frankenstein (aka Cuban) behind the glass in a box on the upper level. I'm getting tired of seeing that aweful
haircut/hightops/black jeans/leather mavericks bomber jacket. Mark...you're brilz but let's get it together.

I have eaten
mexican food 5 out of the last 6 days. I always say I could eat mexican food (specifically Manny's Uptown...mmm...brisket tacos) every day for the rest of my life...but I think I might have overstepped my boundaries a bit. Let's just say my
stomach and I aren't on the best of terms right now. I spent 45 minutes on the
white seat last night with possibly the worst knotted up feeling in my stomach of my life....felt like
Sonic the Hedgehog was cutting his patented
razor flips all the way down from my
duodenum to my
large intestine...
Sega stizz. I think it's nature's way of telling me I can't eat
jalepenos anymore. Might have gone through half a box of
wet wipes. I had to take stand up breaks like every 5 minutes to keep my lower half from going numb. Don't want to spawn a clot...you know?
There was a "
suspiscious white powder" found in a letter sent to the
NY times today. Here's a tip...it's
coke....and I'd like it back. You'll find my return address in the upper left corner. Sorry...my hand got a little shaky when I wrote that.
It looks like
Bruce Arena will be stepping down as the
US soccer team's head coach. Maybe if you would have selected a single player over
5 foot 7, we could have been competitive. And someone call
Tony Meola...that guy has to have a pair of goalie gloves lying around somewhere. Lets bring back that beautiful black pony tail for one more round of US soccer glory (sarcasm).
Pete Townshend announced he will be taking a break from
13 year old boys to re-unite with original Who band member Roger Daltry for a
16 date US tour later this year. I'm sure they'll bypass Texas altogether... but if not, look for this guy in the crowd jamming to Baba O'reilly and
Eminence Front (Mavs Pre-Game Stizz). Huge.
"After yet another errant shot, Michelle Wie groaned and tugged her baseball hat down over her eyes. Nice try. There was no escaping the ugliness on her scorecard, though." Classic. You might want to try winning on the
LPGA tour before you even think about another PGA event. Maybe you'd hav

e better luck on the
Senior tour. And I'm pretty sure
Lee Trevino would still kick your ass....
Fighting Golf Stizz. (Circa 1988...
pre Golden Tee...obvs). At least you have
better boobs than Anika.
now that's irony. Please enjoy
Coors Light responsibly, right
musicians don't make good actors. Didn't you ever watch
Swept Away? Yeah...me either. Let's just stick to creating
music that makes girls want to shake their
good parts on the dance floor.
Okay, so one of my
favorite bands of recent years has a new album out. You've seen them on
Charlie Murphy's Hottness in the past. The band's name is
The Long Winters. Their previous album, "When I Pretend To Fall" is one of my favorites of all time. That's a bold statement. Anyway...get that album, and then check out their new album "
Putting The Days To Bed".
Stream the new album
here. So
I'm also
buzzing on the new
Thom Yorke album out...sans
Radiohead, "
The Eraser" which you can stream at
http://www.radio-indie-pop.com/radio.php as the album of the month. Heard some negative buzz so far...mostly by mainstream reviewers....I give it a big thumbs up...but I've always thought he/they are brilliant. In the meantime, also check out the new
Pearl Jam self titled cd, the new
Snow Patrol "Eyes Open", and the new
Phoenix album "It's Never Been Like That".
By the way...
Zack Braff has a new movie coming out with a soundtrack that seams pretty tight. Problem is, ol Zack is a bit
behind the times. Charlie Murphy
approved artists featured on the new Braff "Last Kiss" soundtrack which have been featured on the Donkey Boner in the past 3 years include:
Snow Patrol
Turin Brakes
The songs they picked for the soundtrack are pretty
old...but good. Pretty good variety of good artists...a couple I don't really like. Anyway....just remember you heard some of them here
And with that I'm out to do a mountain of
laundry. 4 loads. I'm on my last pair of underwear...which is like pair #6 or 7...unlike you girls out there who might own 36 different
thongs...not including the
granny panties. Ain't that right
skunk stripe?
Don't change. Don't you ever change.
Charlie Murphy