Two Burritos and a Stool Softener...

...a recipe for true love...just ask Scotty Dubs. Just so long as it doesn't mess up his JNCO Chinos. So Best.
Mardi Gras...Dallas Stizz. Charlie Murphy, Craaaaiiiiiiig, DJ Ketter, The Goldapp, GoogleCV, Spaghetti, Booty Lee Fonzworth, and others ended the pub crawl (Hurricane's,

I almost freaking blew a gasket today when I found out I was only getting half the Income Tax
"The hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax."
-Albert Einstein
"I have a left mammary"
-Charlie Murphy with left breast pocket inside out, post Maredsous Massacre
Well aparently Corey Feldman (of Stand By Me and The Surreal Life fame) was coming up on the losing end of a few games of Late Night Sneaky Uncle with his overgrown pal Michael Jackson. Based upon past experiences, he has recently come to a "sickening realization" about his childhood relationship with the crotch grabber. He must have succumbed to the Boone's Party Coke like the rest of the kids.

You know how beer manufacturers (specifically imports) each have their own special little glass with ensignia adorned on the front (many of which comprise C-Murph's own drinking glass collection). Hoegaarden with the large, thick glass. Grolsch - slightly taller and skinny. Guiness...skinny at the bottom with a bulbous top. I'm going to write a letter to the brewer's of one of my favorite bevy's,
Speaking of, the last time I spent an evening on the Maredsous I woke up with my shirt on inside out and backwards...4 hours after making/eating a scrambled egg sandwich which was not nearly as satisfying as a Whataburger tacquito. I don't know what it is about that place...but I'll be damned if I can't make a fucking tacquito taste like theirs. And I even tried extra butter last time.
According to Us Weekly, Lindsey Lohan has been spending some quality time with Johnny Knoxville while they're both in New Orleans shooting their respective movies. I mean...Knoxville is tight and all...but dating material? Aren't you the little rebel. Keep up the good work and write me as soon as you make it into the Tara Reid Club.
And in the best bit if entertainment news I've heard all week, the Desperate Housewives Season 1 dvd will include all of the racy bits which didn't make it past the editing room at ABC. So Hott.
Best Super Bowl commercial this year. My favorite: Mama's Boy. "Breast fed until the age of 7." Classic.
I'm giving up fried food for lent. If you run into me on the street and I'm cranky, you'll know why.
Happy Thursday.
Tomorrow is Friday.
Tacquitos don't count as fried food. Yesssssssssssssss!
Don't Change.